In a small town in Northern California...
Ally, Dani, Jessica and Hannah have been best friends from kindergarten through high school, but tonight’s reunion game night will be the first time in fifteen years they’ve all been in the same room together.
Dani arrives late, her face bruised and bloodied. Her husband found the birth control she had been secretly taking and attacked her. In an attempt to defend herself, Dani accidentally killed him. While Hannah and Jessica want to call the police, Ally steps in to stop them.
The District Attorney has been caught having an affair with a college intern and Ally is sure that he will use Dani as a way to deflect attention from himself. Ally convinces the women that if they report the accident, Dani will be accused and convicted of murder. She never reported any instances of abuse before and people would be unlikely to believe her over her husband, a former high school football star and hometown hero. Together, the friends decide to make it look like an accident.
The next morning, Zach, the sheriff's deputy, also a friend from high school days, arrives to inform Dani that her husband was found by an early morning hunter and is still alive, albeit in a coma.
Dani must now decide to keep her husband alive on a machine or let him die...again. Meanwhile, Zach is starting to ask questions.
Past grudges and resentments arise as the four women’s friendship is tested in their attempts to take justice into their own hands.